Research InterestsDr. Geronimo Villanueva is the Associate Director of the Solar System Exploration Division at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, and specializes in the search for astrobiology-relevant species on Mars, Venus, Ocean Worlds (Europa, Enceladus), primordial bodies (comets) and in distant exoplanets. He is the Principal Investigator (PI) of the Planetary Spectrum Generator (PSG), Co-lead Scientist of the Comet Interceptor MIRMIS instrument, Co-Investigator of the ExoMars/TGO mission, and leader for Mars and Ocean Worlds studies (GTO) for the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). In recognition to his work on small bodies, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) named minor planet '9724' after Dr. Villanueva, in 2015 the American Astronomical Society (AAS) honored him with the Urey Prize (young planetary scientist of the year), and in 2023 he was awarded the Lindsay Memorial Award in Space Science by NASA, among other honors and awards. Since completing his Ph.D. studies at the Max-Planck-Institute for Solar-System Research in Germany in 2004, Dr. Villanueva has participated in many projects at three space agencies, NASA, ESA (European Space Agency) and DLR (German Aerospace Agency), with a broad range of research experience in planetary, exploration and Space sciences. |
![]() Dr. Geronimo Villanueva Associate Director Solar System Exploration Division NASA - Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA geronimo.villanueva |
BBC / Science Channel - Oceans of the Solar System Documentary
2023 - Present | Associate Director Solar System Exploration Division, NASA - GSFC |
2016 - 2023 | Planetary Scientist and Lead of PSG Planetary Systems Laboratory, NASA - GSFC |
2008 - 2016 | Research Assistant Professor Catholic University of America at NASA - GSFC, Greenbelt, MD, USA |
2005 - 2008 | National Research Council (NRC) Fellow NASA - Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, USA |
2004 - 2005 | Post-Doctoral Research Assistant Max-Planck-Institut für Sonnensytemforschung, Germany |
2001 - 2004 | Ph.D. student Max-Planck-Institut für Sonnensytemforschung and Freiburg University, Germany |
1998 - 2001 | Founder and Director Tecnoware Medical Software, Mendoza, Argentina |
1997 - 1998 | Director of Systems Development Logic Express Software, Mendoza, Argentina |
1994 - 1996 | Statistical Analyst and Programmer Gallup International, Mendoza, Argentina |
- Doctorate (Ph.D.), "The High Resolution Spectrometer for SOFIA-GREAT: Instrumentation, Atmospheric Modeling and Observations". Research performed with:
- Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg, Magna Cum Laude, November 2004, Germany
Faculty for Applied Sciences.
Institut für Mikrosystemtechnik.
Kiepenheuer-Institut für Sonnenphysik. - Max-Planck-Institut für Sonnensystemforschung (MPS), Lindau, Germany.
- Deutschen Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR), German Aerospace Agency.
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
- European Space Agency (ESA).
- Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg, Magna Cum Laude, November 2004, Germany
- Master's Certification (Diplomarbeit Anerkennung), Clausthal Technical University, February 2003, Germany
- M.S.T.E Atmospheric Radiometry, Universidad Mendoza, Institute for Environmental Studies, 2001, Argentina
Research Experience
- Broad range of expertise in spectroscopic studies of comets, planets (e.g., Mars, Earth, Venus), exoplanets and protoplanetary disks employing powerful observatories: infrared (Keck, VLT, NASA-IRTF, JWST, Gemini South), radio (ALMA, Herschel, APEX, GBT, HHSMT, CSO, JCMT, KP12m) and X-rays/UV (NASA Swift).
- Lead investigator of the discovery of a carbon source on Europa (Villanueva+2023, Science) and the extraordinary characterization of Enceladus plume with JWST (Villanueva+2023, Nature Astronomy).
- Lead investigator of the first global mapping of water D/H on Mars (Villanueva+2022, Science Advances, Villanueva+2015, Science), establishing the history of water on Mars.
- Lead investigator of the a comprehensive search for organics in the Martian atmosphere (Villanueva+2013, Icarus).
- Lead investigator of the first astronomical measurement of water D/H of a periodic comet (Villanueva+2009).
- Lead developer of non-LTE radiative transfer models and quantum molecular models for C2H6, CH3OH, H2O, HDO, HCN, NH3, HNC, HC3N resulting in billions of spectral lines suitable for cometary, planetary and astrophysical sciences, including exoplanets.
- Discoverer of multiple isotopic carbon dioxide bands on Mars at infrared wavelengths, impacting previous searches for trace species on Mars and further constraining greenhouse energy budgets (Villanueva+2008, Icarus and JQSRT).
- Lead developer of a unique set of data processing techniques for the investigation of planetary atmospheres (comets, Mars, exoplanets) with unprecedented sensitivity (
- Lead designer and developer of a high resolution spectrometer (GREAT-CTS) for SOFIA (Villanueva 2004, Villanueva+2004/2005).
- Expert on Microwave/Sub-mm RF development (microstrip/stripline, TEM modeling, detectors), with participation on the development of the Rosetta-MIRO and Herschel-HIFI instruments.
- Developer of a full non-linear dynamical General Circulation Model (GCM) for Mars (Villanueva 2004, Hartogh+2005).
Mission activities and Professional Duties
- Principal Investigator (PI) of PSG Planetary Spectrum Generator (2015-present). - Peaks of 1 million hits/month, and widely used across the world. - 40% Exoplanet Research, 30% Solar System, 20% Earth's science, 10% Helio and others. - Co-Investigator of the Google+NASA Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) initiative for exoplanets. PSG deployed by the Google AI team in their extensive cluster. - Employed in many NASA missions and concepts (e.g., LUVOIR, OST, Discovery, New Frontiers, PICASSO, MatISSE).
- Co-Lead Scientist and Co-Investigator of the Comet Interceptor MIRMIS instrument (2019-present).
- Co-Investigator of the ExoMars Trace-Gas-Orbiter (TGO/NOMAD) mission (2010-present).
- Group leader for Mars studies (GTO Solar System), James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) (2013-present).
- Group leader for Ocean Worlds studies (GTO Solar System), James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) (2013-2023).
- Project Scientist of the Chimera Discovery mission concept to 29P (2018-2020).
- Co-chair of the Solar System group for the LUVOIR (Large-UV-Optical-Infrared) NASA Decadal observatory (2016-2020).
- Group leader (Observations) “Ocean Worlds Science, Exploration and Analogs (OSEAN)”, NASA-GSFC Science Task Group (STG) (2018-2020).
- Group co-leader “Laser Measurements of Atmospheric trace gases” NASA-GSFC Science Task Group (STG) (2017-2019).
- Co-Investigator INFR (Ice-giants Net Flux Radiometer, NASA PICASSO funded) (2018-2021).
- Co-Investigator MIRECLE (Mid InfraRed Exoplanet CLimate Explorer, MIDEX concept and NASA-IRAD funded) (2019-2020).
- Co-Investigator MLLS (Mars Laser Limb Sounding, NASA-GSFC IRAD funded) (2018).
- Co-Investigator PROVE (Cometary CubeSat, NASA PSDS mission maturation funded) (2017-2018).
- Collaborator Submillimeter Planetary instrumentation (NASA-GSFC Radical Innovation Project funded) (2019-2022).
- Collaborator SSOLVE (Lunar, MatISSE instrument maturation funded) (2018-2021).
- Collaborator SELFI (Enceladus, NASA MatISSE instrument maturation funded) (2017-2020).
- Project Scientist of SOFIA-GREAT-CTS, the high-resolution spectrometer for the SOFIA Airborne Observatory (2001-2005).
- Scientific adviser for planetary sciences to ALMA, to ESO for E-ELT and to IRTF for iSHELL.
- Official Reviewer for the Mars-Express mission, Planetary Fourier Spectrometer (MEX-PFS) Archive. European Space Agency (ESA) (2008).
- Principal Investigator of "Cosmogonic Indicators", a Cometary NASA-ROSES Emerging Worlds Project (2017-2020).
- Principal Investigator of "Non-LTE in Exoplanets", an Exoplanet NASA-ROSES Exoplanet Research Project (2017-2020).
- Co-Investigator of Goddard's Astrobiology Institute (2005-present).
- Member of the Science Steering Committee (SSC) for the Keck telescopes (2017-2022).
- Member of the Management Operations Working Group (MOWG) for Keck and IRTF telescopes (2011-2017).
- Member of the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) Time Allocation Committee (TAC) (2014-2016).
- Co-Chair of the Planets2020, an ALMA/ESO/ESA/NASA Planetary Conference (Chile, Mar/2020).
- Chair of the NASA-GSFC CubeSats Conference (2018).
- Organizer (SOC) of several international conferences (e.g., cosmochemistry conference in Sweden 2014, astrobiology conference in Chile - Astrobio 2013).
- Member of the American Astronomical Society (Division for Planetary Sciences), the European Geosciences Union, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE), and the Sigma Xi Honor Research Society.
- Reviewer of scientific articles submitted to Science, Nature, Icarus, Astrophysical Journal, Space Science Reviews Journal, Advances in Space Research, Journal of Geophysical Research, Advances in Geosciences, and PASP.
- Reviewer of funding proposals submitted to NASA's Planetary Atmospheres, NASA's Astrophysics Data Analysis Program, NASA's Mars Fundamental Research, NASA's Outer Planets Program, NASA's Origins of Solar Systems Programs, and to the Spanish Research and Innovation program (I+D+i).
Honors and Awards
- Awardee of the 2023 John C. Lindsay Memorial Award for Space Science, in recognition for highly successful spectral modeling and interpretation of solar system bodies and atmospheres.
- Goddard's NASA's Inventions and Contributions Board (ICB) Software of the Year (SOY) team (PSG, 2022).
- Awardee of the 2015 Harold C. Urey Prize for outstanding achievement in planetary research, the highest honor for a young planetary scientist from the American Astronomical Society.
- The International Astronomical Union (IAU) named minor planet 1981EW17 "(9724) Villanueva", in honor to Dr. Villanueva's research contributions in the area of high-resolution molecular spectroscopy of planetary and cometary atmospheres.
- Awardee of the NASA Goddard Exceptional Award in Science, LUVOIR SSAT (2020).
- Awardee of the NASA Goddard Exceptional Award, Artemis Live Shot Team (2020).
- Awardee of the NASA Solar System Exploration Division Peer Award (2010, 2019).
- Awardee of the NASA Group Achievement Award, Astrophysics Large Mission Team (2019).
- Awardee of the NASA Goddard Exceptional Award in Science (2009, Mars team).
- Awardee of the National Research Council (NRC) Fellowship, American National Academy of Sciences (NAS 2005).
- Lead investigator of one of the most exciting works in Nature Communications in 2023, and lead investigator of one of the most popular articles in Planetary Sciences of 2013 (Villanueva+2023) as ranked by Elsevier.
- Article of the day (NASA Astrophysics Data System, Oct/12/2011), lead author and co-author of three Astronomy Pictures of the Day (Dec/22/2014, Jan/19/2009, Feb/21/2009).
Other Information
- Triple citizenship: Argentina, Italy, USA; born in Mendoza, Argentina.
- Languages: Spanish (native), English (fluent), German (conversant), French (elementary).